Your Pledge
Your pledge of sponsorship is a spiritual pledge whereby you freely offer one year of daily prayer for the priest or seminarian that will be assigned to you. You should think of him as your spiritual son and pray for him with the same dedicated devotion you would for a natural son. Uniting your prayer with sacrifice will even more greatly assist your adopted son in his quest for holiness and spiritual perfection.
Upon completion of your registration, you will be emailed the following Adopt-A-Priest spiritual adoption enrollment materials:
Welcome Letter
Certificate of Spiritual Adoption
Suggested Daily Prayer
Sponsor’s Pledge
Subscription to the Prayer of the Week newsletter
Note: The Suggested Daily Prayer is sent to all sponsors to help with your prayer commitment. It is more than just a simple prayer, it is a daily offering of all your prayers and good works. You are free to use this prayer or offer any prayer of your choosing. Nevertheless, consistent daily prayer is encouraged in support of your priest or seminarian.
The face of the Priesthood that we support in this ministry is the Face of Christ himself. By supporting the individual priest or seminarian, you are helping to support the great mission of Christ to which all priests are consecrated and sent. In the Adopt-A-Priest program, there is no direct contact between the priest (or seminarian) and the sponsor. This helps to deepen the sacrificial nature of the sponsor’s prayer and will, at the same time, do much to support the priest (or seminarians) in his own (priestly) sacrifice. Sponsors will, therefore, receive only the first name and basic details of the adopted priest or seminarian—excluding contact information.